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Are you smiling enough ?

                                                                                  بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

         Hello everyone,

How are you all doing? I'm doing Great thanks for asking ! *troll face* haha, anyway I wanted to share something important with you wonderful beings out there... and that is .... *drum rolls* 'ARE YOU SMILING ENOUGH?', I know a lot of you people will be like '' pfft! heck yea.. we do smile all the time, whats the problem with that?'' in that case.. you actually didn't get my point exactly. Well you see smiling isn't only about a slight movement on your lips, a lot of people now days are mistaking the 'SMILE catalog' you see their are different types of smile that they invented - some of them include !

                                      1- SARCASTIC SMILE 

                                   2- STRAIGHT FACE SMILE 

                                3- CREEPY SMILE 
                           AH! he's so hot... too bad he's married! Sigh* Don't worry single ladies our hot guy is out their some where ;) !


and so on, This is not the smile.. its an "INVENTION", The real smile comes from being happy within  yourself, Why put all these forced smiles in your beautiful faces when you can actually brighten up anyones day with your real smile ? ^^ Trust me all of you are beautiful, I know some of you its hard to believe because of the Fished up society, But who cares.. just be yourself.. it something that is called your Weapon, its your strength, if you don't trust or use it how will miracles happen in your life ? Miracles happens only when you believe in your self and in the strength that you have! and it all comes from smiling from within.. JUST LIKE A SECOND STAR TO THE RIGHT! *peter pan obsession*.
    I know their must have been a lot of ups and downs, but use your smile as a reflection cause once you smile, you your self (Yes you ) will feel like a heavy shoulder has been melted and you will feel confident and happier and the most beautiful deed anyone can possibly do is by making someone happy with your smile its a sunnah as well, wont you just love it when someone bumps into you and say 'your pretty smile made my day' or 'you got such an adorable smile' Trust me ladies.. how do I know ? well I am telling you from my experience, all you need to do is smile from the bottom of your stomach or heart as you say.. just wake the inner child in you and it will automatically reflect your sweet smile !  <3

                                         You all are beautiful ! ;)
Doesn't these pictures make your day ?

see Even the dogs look adorable when they unleash their inner happiness :D

     TC till then <3                          
Lots of love, hugs and Kisses! MUAAH ;)



Unknown said...

Lol....Nadi... nyc blogg u gat

Unknown said...

aww really? thank u dear :D