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Flawless skin Troubles ?

Assalamualikum !

Hello There,

Have you ever came across a period of your life where Your skin is so flawless (Only wished it Lasts forever) and all you did is party to celebrate the interim flawless and then later to discover it just lasted for a day or so... Yes its very annoying and guess what ? You have come to the right place!! Its seems like pimples or Zits  are so mainstream that it only gets inevitable no matter what we try to do to keep up with the 'baby-face' trend.   I personally suffered quite alot.. specially with my pre-teenage days, I wish I knew about this (the products) then, But Alhumdulilah now Its almost near flawless which is prominent, continue to read if you wanna know what it is. But before going any deep into the topic lets just know why pimples appear in our cute faces and why is it so hard to get rid of them. But if you ask me personally I believe that pimples are deadly souls that are grudging against ya .. ! (jk there is no such thing as GHOST or perhaps there is ? ).
 So according to the doctors - A pimple is a small pustule or papule. Pimples are small skin lesions or inflammations of the skin - they are sebaceous glands (oil glands) which are infected with bacteria, swell up, and then fill up with pus.They occur when the sebaceous glands, which are located at the base of hair follicles, become overactive. The most vulnerable parts of the body are the face, back, chest and shoulders. Pimples are palpable signs of acne, especially when a breakout occurs. And some believe they are tiny spiders crawl underneath our skins and hence due to its active charge we surcharge with a breakout. (spooky... ) yup so you learned a harsh truth that their is A SPIDER .. but don;t worry its so tiny winy and I'm sure it wont be obvious with our naked eyes so chill ;)

I honestly since 2012 I started to use a Korean Brand by the name 'Etude House' since Koreans are so into Flawless skins they are numerous of brands which are quite effective and I would recommend anything to do with the Korean brands cause Trust me they work as MIRACLE, So this brand was actually introduced to me by my Korean BFF (cause I was so boyish and didn't take care of my skin) and I bought a toner and a lotion for oily skin since Its more prone towards a breakout, And I am not kidding .. the moment I started to use it I could already feel drastic affect.. My skin was shining and I could feel the elasticity and just within the few days the pimples started to ware off ! YES GURL I AINT KIDDING !

``The Best part of the Korean brands is that they give Samples!! ``

TADA !! My Recommendation!!!!
*Trust me your gonna love me for recommending you and you will love it for eternity**
(The best thing about the Korean Brands is that you can still use it even though it got over unlike other products where you need to change it as its effect wont work long)

1- Etude house - Toner -

This toner has changed my life I must confess .. because earlier I had dry sorta skin with rashes but after using this toner I must say its my Fairy GodMother and all I ever want for Christmas is it ! They are different combination of toner obviously depending on the skin type, the one that I use is made out of Bamboo essence which Is quite healthy for the skin (and of BTW Etude house products are mostly natural and chemical free) so that the Plus point. And from what I've noticed the way it works on your skin is it brings all the hidden Zits out so don't worry if pimples starts to pop-up worst than the last time.. so after the worst breakthrough it reduces the pores and ushers glow from within.

And for the best Results use it twice a day one in the morning before you apply make-up trust me it will give you flawless and the glow and a healthy look, and the second time before you head to sleep. And incase You have you menstruational breakout I know we do suffer from scars but you don't have to worry about it cause after applying the toner and the lotion just put any mask on your face and sleep.. I could say
 that Masks work better when its on you whilst your sleeping cause your body is relaxing and when your not stressed they scars just disappear and you could feel the difference when you wake up.

2- Etude House - Lotion 

Just like you cannot live without the Blanket whilst your in your bed despite if its warmer or freezing similarly one just cannot apply a product in their face without its sibling ( if you got the joke, LOL ) so in order to get a pretty drastic yet Lovely features you MUST apply lotion to your faces.. Just like how the toner provides Faster recovery similarly The lotion plays its own Main part which is softening the skin and increases its elasticity  and we All know that once the skin is elastic means its healthy from within :D and we all want the Healthy, Glowing, Pimple free Gorgeous faces right? :D Just like a wish coming true, That's why I could call this lotion my Miracle my Fairy God Mother <3 <3 <3


i- CC Cream-

CC stands for colour corrector And To all the ladies out their who Are new to Girlish world I would recommend you to use CC cream for now Because its Face friendly in a sense that It will help you boost and nourish as well as protect you from the sun bean and even the proportion of you skin incase you've gotten uneven skin tone as well as it an anti-ageing cream so you don't have to worry about ageing at an early age and it doesn't really have chemicals and it softens your skin at the same time it makes you Cute meaning as if you haven't applied Foundation or anything vice-versa.

ii- Body Scrub.

This is so handy incase you're travelling you can use this one package two-three times (depending on the amount of how much you squick),  I love how invigorative you feel... after shower!  

Ps- scrub gently :)

 Till then stay Positive and Happy :)

                                                                                                        Adios !

                                                                                                              Nadi <3

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