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just a deep thought!

Hello pixies!
(A name I picked for my readers, ain't it magical??)

How are you all doing?? I'm sorry for not being frequent with my posts as you all know to write something good you need inspiration and I clearly don't have due to being weeded out
In this mundane environment... (which I will open y
Up when the time is right :) )

What's funny is that I've never intended to write a post as it happened total unexpectedly, i was about to make an fb post and then suddenly it stroked me out and thought "why not write a post?" And viola here it is... xD
It's just a thought going in my head.. you will understand it if your doing through a delimma like I am in hindering your worldly desires and sacrifices and if you believe in the life after death.
If you don't. .. good luck.. either way YOLO!

"So much to learn and so much to experience, what's funny is that my mind is drifting between two aspects:
#1 religion
#2 this worldly desires,
What's scary is ... "am I doing the right thing?"  And "is this how things should be done?" Boggles my mind!
I guess every bit of the subconscious - Ness should be giving a chance?!
All the resentful memories can be obliterated with a new start..... but what it it haunts you  down??"

What's yours??

Until next time!

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