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CRazy Day!



 First and foremost I wanna apologise for my shady behaviour as its been quite sometime that I've last been active and I promise you that I will blogg more often now as I've got numerous things to share with you all !    ~~~*EEEEEEeeeeeep!*

Honestly all my life I've always wanted to meet some famous celebrity and for the past 19 years I wasn't having any luck as.. except in October  27 Th 2012 I went to big Bang concert (Korean Pop, if you aren't aware of) and I went NUTS !! like literally .. lol, but then i never actually got any lucky to meet celebrities despite the fact of me being very desperate ... but any-who.. My luck begins in 2014 and I must say Masha Allah and SubhanAllah its been such a blessing so far !! <3 and I hope it continues from now.... Okie I know I'm blabbering to much.. Now straight to the point.. I MET AMEINA didi (elder sis in Urdu/Hindi) !!!!!!!! OMG !!!!!!! YAYYYYY!!!! .....(Wait for those of  you who don't know her she is a YouTuber and goes by the name 'Ameinakin' as is an entrepreneur of  Pearl daisy... :D)
Well here is What .. Ive been watching Ameina, MashaAllah like for sometime now.. and MashaAllah she's such an angel SubhanAllah and I was even tremendously excited when she announced That she will come to Malaysia.. I went wild.. I couldn't wait to meet her!! And the Time CAME .. On 8th January 2014 I Will always remember this day in my entire life .. you will come to know why.. haha
  Any-who whilst waiting for Ameina to arrive in the venue.. I met quite beautiful Malaysian Bloggers and they were so nice and friendly.. the funny thing is .. before Amenia didi arrived they did a little 'get to know' thingy and I was praying not to be called.. but ended up being called lol.. When my turn came I was so hyper ! and i have no idea why .. i spoke so fast.. and did some funny moves.. and Got popular haha.. and the bloggers loved me and asked me to start my own Channel ! which was quite an awesome impression of my self i must say and i couldn't get any prouder hehe... And we had snacks and all and was Waiting for the amazing Ameina Didi religiously..., oh wait I need to show you the inward decoration .. hold on let me scroll my email... it will be up in any sec.....
 -PS it took me a while to gush through pics :P SOWY ! 


I love how they made it all Girly since it was an all female event! and the Food was phenomenal  such a swag VIP snacks ....  I was pretty impressed by the way they presented and I must say I would have given it an A+ if I were a reviewer ( Insha'Allah in the future ;) )                                                                                            

so yea.. And coming to the Amazing part, which was Ameina didi's arrival !! <3 <3 I'm more excited about expressing it verbally rather than writing.. cause I've never written my excitements before.. :P ..  So Ameina didi arrives a little late.. cause the driver got lost and who wouldn't the area was creepy to be honest ... haha any way to the point.. MashaAllah when she arrived it was like an Angels arrival and everyone was wooting and I Personally screamed and said 'I LOVE YOU!!' but too sad she looked to someone else when it was me who actually who said it.. but the good thing is she said 'aww' and gave me an eye contact TWICE !!! EEEEp!!! 
OMG I LOVE HER SO MUCH! she is Masha Allah such an inspiration to everyone <3 such a darling and I must confess.. the way she was behaving was so sweet it seemed like we weren't her fans in fact more towards her family or friends I must say and Her presence kinda reminded me of my own BFF 'Kausy" mashaAllah such a resemblance ! I missed my BFF that day alot ! cause we both loved her and still do obviously why was i even using past tense .. lol , I was literally screaming and gusted compliments haha.. and she started talking about the 'HOOJAIB' her own Hijabi styles, which I must say its Amazing! specially for those who like styling their own Hijabs, Insha Allah in the future when I do hijab I will defiantly buy from her store !! And Masha Allah the Host as well were so lovely and so sweet! And Yes .. meeting her and them its like I've made a connection towards my own FAME ! :P haha
 My smile is so way too over the Top lol...
 And when I finally Got to meet her personally I was way to normal unlike when I introduced my self hyperly ... But i tended to speak too quick which Now when I think about it I'm like WHY? Why was I such a head case :/ but it doesn't matter I couldn't resist ! haha

and Yes after talking i felt relieved and was rushing to go back home as it was just 9.35 pm we needed to rush as it was so Spooky  the area where the event was taken as it was an housing area. . which means NO CABS ! IKR...

Towards our quest for the cab... we met  this lady who was in the car with her daughter and I tell you.. she stopped the car asking me where is Amina .. and me so hyperly was like oh Amina I know and she faced her daughter to tell her something.. so i came near her and Said  'you go' .. and I tell you she literally Screamed and was shivering like an electric shock julting towards her or perhaps as if I was about to rob her Which WAS HILARIOUS! and ended up we both being hyper and the way she was driving seemed like she wanted to win a prize haha ... any who Coming to the Saddest and the scariest part.. We didn't find any cabs.. and whoever stopped didn't accept our address :/ so we quested and got lost in the middle of no where.. yes.. and the spooky part was there was only one light stand per 10 meters... and on top STRAY DOGS RAN BEHIND US! We were in between life and death lol... and we reached a safer place, and guess what? ... IT WAS FISHING HAUNTED ! yayy How Perfect the night was... So me and my friend just quit.. and called one of our friends to pick us up and I tell you our friend got lost finding us.. and took them to reach till after midnight.. Imagine how horrible it was lol.. I was laughing about it and my friend literally started crying .. on top another dogs chased us hhaa.. so we called our Guy  friend and pretended he was our father haha  I tell you.. i will always remember that night in my entire LIFe!! haha 

Oh btw did I tell you we Sat in the MIDDLE of the road ! ... *shaking head* yes.. Wow it was te most spectacular night and I vowed to my self to listen to my parents and be at home by 10 from now on.. but I know my self That aint happening lol

Till then .. Please stay safe .. we really got lucky not to be a Happy meal by the dogs nor get kidnapped nor Raped Alhumdulilah !! 

Ma3salamah ...
love-- Nadi


Unknown said...

Nice nadia I enjoy reading ur blogs keep doing that

Unknown said...

JazkiAllah kair lin :*