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Ramadan... The month of Blessing!

Assalamualikum Warahmatullahi Wa baraktuh!

Hello Friends.

I am so sorry that I have not been updating or writing any blogs for the past four months, and clearly been busy with assignments and exams, Traveling and obviously procrastinating (LOL), And recently I just arrived from an "AWESOME" trip which motivated me to start blogging ALL OVER AGAIN! #Alhumdulilah. So Today I have decided to write about Ramadan since its quite near (CAN'T WAIT)

I want to share my personal thoughts and knowledge about Ramadan. (This is dedicated to Some of Muslim and Non Muslim people who have no knowledge about Ramadan, and HEY its Totally alright, I hope you seek some knowledge from here ^^).

Ramadan is the Most beautiful, Patient and a blessing "9th" month in the Islamic Calendar. Where all muslims are obliged to fast in this month except the ill, who just gave birth, Pregnant, Traveller and those who are going through menstrual bleeding. It comes after the month of Shaa'ban and usually starts according to the crescent of the moon. Fasting begins before the sunrise which is with the Fajar Adhaan (Call to the prayer), where all the muslims must stop eating and drinking and are refrained until the sunset which is the time of Mogrib prayer. Now what makes Ramadan so beautiful ? Its beauty lies in the unity of people, where the strangers unite and hang as families, secondly The Food.. MAshaAllah there are a lot of food served and may Allah (S.WT) increases our khair Ameen. During this month the holy book "Quran" was sent down by Allah to all the believers, and Lastly the decoration of the streets. with 'Fanoos' arabic word for Lantern .. I honestly miss Ramadan back home (As I will be missing the second Ramadan without my family) and especially coming from an Arab background its really hard not to spend it with your family and friends. Here are some glimpse of  the beautiful decorations:

What makes Ramadan a month of patience? It helps us to go through an ethical state of being Thankful, making us think of those people who are suffering from starvation to death and feel their suffering as we are not engaging in  drinking or eating activity even if we feel the hunger or even if our throats are dried and make us realise how Thankful we should be while comparing ourselves to those who have nothing. It also accustoms us to have high ethical behaviour to restrain ourselves whilst getting angry to not curse or backbite by remembering that we are fasting and having patience against any callous behaviour. Not only that, it also teaches us to have patience in everything in life, when making Duas (Supplications), treating your family and strangers with patience and love, and understanding and being kind. There is a beautiful quote by our beloved prophet (PBUH):
        "Who ever does good in this month, Allah shall multiple it by 70 times"
so basically it is to purify one's heart from any evil. #SubhanAllah.
And Lastly its a month of Blessing, its blessing are too many to count, this month is considered as a rewarding month, where each deed you do is increased up to 70x and not only that, it also helps you to restrain from evil deeds, and since the hell fire gates are closed at this time of the month, Alot of people are perceived and are engaged in performing better. There is even a joke about it where-
"All the 'playboys' turn into 'pray boys'  and all the 'Barbies' turn into 'Hiijabis' " 
Lol. The point is to become a better person and not a perfect person. As Allah said try to be better and not Perfect as we are all humans and we tent not to obey him 100%, but as long as we know our mistakes and repent that is what Allah (SWT) wants no matter how big or small is our sins.  let me acquaint a little of the enormous blessings:
1- This month help us develop self-control, education, evolution and preparing us for the hereafter.
2- The smell of the Fasting person is much more beautiful than the 'Musk' on the day of judgement.
3- The Dua's (supplications) are accepted by Allah (SWT)
4- It is a month of guidance to all Muslims to perform better and be a better muslims.
5- It is a month to feed others - whether rich, poor, needy, Muslim or not  (as long as you feed another person you are rewarded for it).
6- There is another rewards for reciting the Holy Quran. (Especially for those who don't know how to recite, Trying will already Make the Almighty bless you, As He loves people who try for his sake #SubhanAllah).
7- Seeking knowledge about Islam and our beloved prophets.

There are many more, Ramadan is a beautiful month helping us to require inner peace in our mind and doing a lot of good deeds and increases our faith and Trust in Allah (SWT). Hope this actually reaped certain knowledge about Ramadan. Can't wait for Ramadan this year.. Just 4 days to go #Insha Allah.  Ramadan Kareem to All my Muslim Readers, and For non.. at least now you know what is Ramadan ^^. And make sure you say 'Happy Ramadan to any muslim you know, It will flatter them :D

Jazakum Allah khair for stopping by and reading it ! Lets try to be a productive Muslims this Ramadan. Ameen!

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