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Hello Friends

Its such a beautiful Day subhanAllah!, perfect weather (Almost) 

but the Rain out righted  it. And subhanAllah by the Grace of the 

Lord, I've realised something so beautiful today that indeed the 

Rain can heal any heart.


I would like to share something personal this time, A lesson that 

I've learned to be precise and hopefully it can turn into something 

productive to all you readers. Two months ago, I've shut my self 

up completely from the outer world, isolated and the only source 

of fun was Series... And I tell you its an Absolute Fun, BUT I 

definitely regret what I've done... Reason? Well from a bubbly-

friendly-positive person I have converted into a negative-angry-

moody person. Ever since the isolation I have hated the out side 

world. Some might even wonder that why on earth did I even 

isolate myself in the first place? Well honestly the truth is .. I have 

no idea my self what happened... Its like Ive been annoyed by 

people and I just wanted to be alone for a while, but this 'for a 

while' changed the person who I was, I can't for sure say whether it 

was a good thing or a bad, but Ive defiantly learned a lot from it, 

though it took me a while Thanks to the grumpy personalty that 

consumed me. Im not sure if its part of growing up.. Its good to 

have your own alone time to relax and enjoy your self, but when 

you ignore the world .. you forget who you were and the negative 

energy ensembles you and you get so deep in your own thought 

that you just want to hide your self from the bitter reality that your 

facing... Reason ? Ego issue... Ego is a disease that kills a persons 

good nature, and someone once advised me 'A good person should 

never have Ego, Thats why they remain pure' , Im a human being 

after all these feelings are normal to evaporate but Consuming and 

manipulating them is a hard task, Which took me a while to fight it 

and over come it. This all is because of friendship. Friendship is a 

very special Bond which sadly a lot of people don't realise it. Are 

they one's to be blamed ?  The answer is NO. This world has 

billions of people around and the mistake we all make is... 

Thinking that every one has the same character and thinking as 

you do, The thing is we all are different and have our unique 

characters and attitudes which all makes us humans. Its very hard 

to find a true friend and it takes not one week, a month or a year to 

realise who is your true friend, It takes years to actually realise 

who is worthy of you.  Coming to the ego part cause of my anger I 

tend to be egoistic at times which made be a rebellious person and 

lost a dear friend... I would say its all a misunderstanding and the 

reacted when we were upset, But at times losing a good friend 

shows how much value you have of each other. Sometimes its not 

about keeping friends forever, its about letting them go as well. I 

know most of you won't agree on this, but sometimes you gotta do 

the opposite to keep them in your life. It might not be as a Dearest 

friend but at least you will have respect about each other in the 

long term base.... Friendship In my eyes is all about Respecting 

and accepting, Once you find that type of a person, make sure you 

keep them in your life. And sometimes Friendship is all about 

having Fun and partying But those I can't guarantee that they will 

stay there forever......

So in the end learn to be patient, accept and understand each other 

and lastly respect....

when sorting out a problem keep your ego, anger, stubborness , 

attitude and hatred aside and react productively ... if your mad 

Take your time to calm down and then sort the thing out, But make 

sure you don't want to backfire when your mad cause later you 

don't wanna regret. And remember always there is always two 

sides to a story so tell her/him what upsets you and listen to the 

their part of the story... And Excuses are for babies .. be a 

responsible person an accept the flaws in you... We are not perfect, 

we make mistakes but thats what makes us wiser and maturer ... 

And always end your talk with respect and love, Cause after all 

you don't wanna support in bad terms unless your the Grudge lady 

:P lol. So yea thats definitely what I've learn... It might be childish 

to you all but for me its a lesson to that I shall Always keep in 

mind and SubhanAllah thanks to the rain, its like the weight was 

lifted out of my shoulder ! And remember always begin your 

friend ship with mutual Respect !

Tc till then... Adios ! :D

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